Registration Fee and Registration Form

There is no Registration Fee at My Home Music School. Parents or students (18 years or older) will need to complete and submit the Registration Form (also located in the "Lessons" tab above).

Lesson Payments

Lesson payments are made directly to the instructor on a monthly basis and are due before the first lesson day of each month. The number of lessons paid for in a given month depends on the number of times your lesson day occurs in that month. For example, if your scheduled lesson day is on Tuesdays and the beginning of the month starts on a Tuesday, unless it is the month of February, there will be 5 Tuesdays in that month, therefore the payment will be made for 5 lessons. Please consult a calendar before making your monthly payment!

*** It is important to note that the due date for the monthly lesson payment does not change even if you have an approved credit that is carried over from a previous month or you will not be attending the first lesson of the month due to a holiday, vacation or conflict (please read about these below). In these circumstances, you would still pay before the first lesson day of the month and subtract the credit, holiday or vacation day. The only exception is when a new student begins lessons in the middle of the month.

Weekly Time Slots

Monthly lesson payments do not only pay for the instruction received during a weekly lesson, but they also guarantee that the weekly time slot is held for a student on a particular day and time. In order for a student to secure their weekly time slot, a minimum of 2 lessons must be paid for in a 4 lesson month and a minimum of 3 lessons must be paid for in a 5 lesson month.

*** It is important to note that failure to meet these minimum monthly lesson payments will result in a student's time slot being forfeited and opened up for availability to other students.

Make-Up Lessons for Conflicts with Advanced Notice

The lesson week runs from Monday through Saturday. Should a conflict arise after the monthly lesson payment has been made, a make-up lesson can be given for an upcoming week with a conflict. This is done by sending a request (through email) to the instructor by midnight on the Sunday prior to the lesson week in question. The make-up lesson has to be scheduled and completed by Saturday during the same lesson week as the conflict and cannot be carried over into the following lesson weeks unless the individual instructor approves of it.


Lessons run continuously throughout the year including Summer. However, the following U.S. holidays are observed by My Home Music School and no lessons are given on these days: Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day.

If your lesson day falls on a holiday, you have the option of skipping that week or making a request to reschedule that weeks lesson for another day. If you decide to skip that week you can subtract it from the monthly lesson payment. If you would like to reschedule for another day that week, please let your instructor know and work it out with him or her before making the monthly lesson payment.

School Vacation Weeks

​My Home Music School is independent of and therefore does not observe designated school vacation weeks from any public or private school system. It should be assumed that there will be lessons during a school vacation.

Student Vacations and Approved Absences

Parents or adult students need to inform their instructor by email (not texting) if they plan to take vacation time or have a known lesson conflict (such as a religious holiday, school performance, sports event, social event, etc.), which will cause the student to miss their regularly scheduled lesson day and time. As long as the parent or student informs their instructor of an upcoming vacation or lesson conflict before making their monthly lesson payment (which is due before the first lesson day of the month), then the parent or student will not have to pay for the upcoming missed lesson. These are considered an "approved absence".

Attendance and Missed Lessons

​Students are expected to make their scheduled lesson day and time. A missed lesson from a last minute cancellation due to illness, school activities, sports, etc. or absent mindedness (forgetting) is not subject to a credit or make-up lesson. It is considered a "missed lesson" and the student is charged for it. An instructor may decide to grant a make-up lesson for a missed lesson, however, they are not obligated to do so.

Teacher Vacations and Lesson Conflicts

If an instructor plans to take a vacation or has a known lesson conflict (such as an upcoming rehearsal or performance) which will cause them to miss a students regularly scheduled lesson day and time, it is the responsibility of the instructor to contact his or her students before the monthly lesson payment is made and let them know. Students do not have to pay for lessons that fall during an instructor's vacation or known lesson conflict. In these situations, an instructor may offer to reschedule a lesson on another day.

Teacher Absence

If an instructor misses a scheduled lesson and cannot schedule a make-up lesson during that month, the student is credited for that lesson and the credit is applied to the following month's payment.


All communication between a student or parent and an instructor outside of a scheduled lesson, should be done through email or phone, which is considered appropriate for professional use. Please avoid communication through the use of texting and social media such FaceBook, Twitter, etc., as these are not considered appropriate for professional use.


Should a student decide to discontinue lessons prior to the end of a scheduled month, the instructor will refund the remaining number of lessons providing written notice is given by email one week in advance of termination. To discontinue lessons, please email the instructor and include the student's first and last name and reason for termination.